With Christmas around the corner, and Black Friday sales in full swing, it’s a great time to think about gift-giving with self care in mind. Whether you are buying for someone else, or feel the need to pick something up for yourself, I have listed some options along the theme of health and wellness.
Hopefully this list will get you thinking about an assortment of other gifts out there that have wellness in mind. Happy Holidays!
For many people, the holiday season is a stressful time. Even if you love everything about the holidays, it’s the time of year when calendars quickly fill up with social engagements and we have more things that need to get done. We scurry around town searching for the perfect gift for loved ones and do our best at balancing everyday commitments with all the extra things that need to get done. Add in elaborate meal prep and decorations and things can quickly become overwhelming. All of this can leave you feeling stretched thin. And feeling that way does little in way of helping us cope. Unlike the fortunate few who are so organized they have their gift buying complete before summer, most of us race around trying to get ready, vowing that next year will be different (and it never is). A great way to alleviate some of the stress of the season is by careful planning, even if it’s late in the year. Fans of ‘To Do” lists understand how valuable making lists can be. It has a way of fooling the brain into believing you have things under control. Inexpensive spiral bound notebooks can be a lifesaver. Have sections for each person on your gift list and mark down ideas for them. Set up a timeline of when you want the decorations complete, the Christmas baking done, the Christmas cards sent. Make a section for recipes. There is nothing like scratching an item off a ‘to do’ list to give you a sense of accomplishment. In an ideal world, the holidays would simply be a time for family friends and fellowship. But in reality, unless well planned out, it’s chaos. Here’s hoping you will be so organized this holiday season, you will have time to take in its beauty! Well I am not sure about you, but where I live, winter has come with a vengeance bringing along with it cold temperatures, gusty winds and snow. So if you haven’t already started stock piling your pantry full of immune boosters, now would be a good time to start. Below I have listed a few must have items to keep you cough-free and sniffle-less through the upcoming months. 1. Cinnamon – One of the most popular spices in the world, this gem is packed full of antioxidants, and is known for anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and immune boosting properties. A great way to take is mixing ½ teaspoon in 1 tbsp of raw honey. Or sprinkle the ½ tsp. on your morning cereal every day. 2. Garlic – Tried and true, garlic has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. More recent studies show that garlic and onions, which contain compound allylic sulphides stimulate enxymes that detoxify cancer-causing chemicals in the body. A head of garlic drizzled with olive oil and roasted in a 300- 350 degree oven for an hour yields a tasty spread that can be spread on fresh bread. Or if you are brave enough, crush up a large clove and take with raw honey. 3. Oil of Oregano – Probably one of my favourite cold and flu busting remedies, a few drops under the tongue at the first sign of a scratchy throat or runny nose seems to nip things in the butt. And if all else fails and you find yourself battling the bug, here’s a few old wive’s tale remedies you may want to try:
work their magic.
Here’s hoping that this winter season finds you healthy and happy! Today, the benefits of yoga are well understood. It has transcended the barrier of eastern vs. western medicine and is highly recommended by both schools for its reduction of stress and increase in overall health. But if you have ever set out to join a yoga class, you will quickly realize that there is a plethora of types to choose from. So how do you know what’s right for you? Understanding your own needs can help you choose.
According to yogic teachings, there are five koshas, or layers to the self:
By aligning what part of your whole requires the help, you can choose a yoga practice that will be most advantageous to you. Here are some examples of types of yoga practices associated with each of the koshas:
There are thousands of yoga practices available and each one can be particularly beneficial during different times in our lives. Finding a yoga guru can be profoundly helpul. Check out gaia.com for help finding a yoga teacher and style that suits you best. |